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Breaking Barriers: Promoting Diversity in Digital Leadership in Healthcare

20 Nov 2024
Room 3 - Break Out

Over 24% of the NHS workforce are from minority ethnic groups and 77% are women. However, there are less than 5 women of colour in executive or director level non-clinical digital leadership roles such as CIO and CTO roles in over 233 trusts, GP federations and NHS provider organisations.

In this dynamic and interactive discussion, we'll hear about successful strategies and challenges to recruiting a diverse workforce from those in leadership positions in digital health and care, and what you can do differently within your own organisation to tackle this. The session will be hosted by the Shuri network, the first NHS and care network of women from minority ethnic groups in digital health and care.

Add your voice to this important debate, and help us identify the next generation of digital health and care leaders.

Shera Chok, Founder - Shuri Network