Fiona McKenzie
Fiona is Policy Lead and Deputy Director of the NHS InSites (Innovation Sites) programme, a peer-led network of 18 NHS trusts and ICBs. The programme provides and supports real world testing and evaluation to help spread innovation across the NHS. InSites have brought 32 innovations into the NHS over 2023 and 2024, with 63 more being trialled and evaluated, and 142 in the pipeline.
Fiona brings a pragmatic, user-led and problem-driven approach to innovation. Living with three long-term conditions, she previously spent seven years leading a consultancy supporting health organisations to improve the quality of care and research through meaningful collaboration with patients, carers, and the public.
20-Nov-2024St Pancras RoomInnovation in action: Driving real-world impact across the NHS
20-Nov-2024St Pancras RoomInnovation in action: Driving real-world impact across the NHS