
Matthew Keks
Technical Officer Innovation,
World Health Organization
Matthew works at WHO HQ in Geneva, where he works with colleagues to harness health innovation and new ways of working to scale the collective impact of WHO, particularly in countries and regions. He leads the LEAD Innovation Challenge and Eurêka, initiatives that encourage innovative approaches to tackle health challenges. Previously, Matthew established an innovation consultancy within the Australian foreign affairs ministry, utilising design thinking and systems methods to address complex policy issues in trade, strategy and development. He has also taught courses in creative thinking a the Australian National University. A qualified lawyer, Matthew also holds a Masters in Human-Centred Design, with a research focus on how to harness the public sector's capacity to accelerate progress and equity.
20-Nov-2024St Pancras RoomTransformative leadership for innovation: Cultivating change from within
20-Nov-2024St Pancras RoomTransformative leadership for innovation: Cultivating change from within