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Mona Johnson

Mona Johnson

Clinical Director for Digital Urgent and Emergency Care, NHS

Safe, Effective, Sustainable: the mantra developed during over a decade in health tech and service transformation. Building on the foundations of the Clinical Safety standards to ensure that things are not only "done right", but that "we do the right things" Mona has embedded a culture of Quality and Safety in national, regional and local organisations when it comes to developing, delivering and implementing health tech.

A Quality and Safety Clinical Safety expert, Mona builds the bridges between Clinical Risk Management and User Centred Design to ensure solutions meet business needs, and find ways to learn, develop and iterate solutions over time. Never has this been more necessary than with the advent of AI solutions, when clinical assessment, appraisal and ongoing monitoring are needed when such solutions are embedded in care pathways.

With over 20 years of experience in the NHS, fifteen of these as a GP, Mona has been in health tech for a little over a decade. Having worked on national digital products ranging from the NHS App, Summary Care Record, and Apps library, Mona is currently Clinical Director for Digital Urgent and Emergency Care. She has clinical responsibility for national products that support out of hospital care, such as the NHS Website, Service Finder and NHS Pathways. She continues to work clinically as a GP in General Practice, and for her local ambulance service as a MERIT doctor.
