Saif Abed
Dr Abed is a world-renowned healthcare cybersecurity leader, cyber-policy expert and, previously, an NHS doctor. He is a recognised subject matter expert within numerous sub-sectors of cybersecurity with a primary field of specialisation in preparing public sector healthcare systems for ransomware attacks and analysing their patient safety effects.
He is currently a Partner at The AbedGraham Group, a clinically based healthcare IT and cybersecurity technology and advisory services group.
He is also the leading Cybersecurity Consultant advising the Biosecurity and Health Security Protection (BSP) Unit of the World Health Organization developing diplomatic and capacity building initiatives to support UN member states to enhance their cyber-resiliency across healthcare and Chemical, Biological and Radionuclear facilities. Additionally, he is a healthcare and cybersecurity expert for the European Commission's Horizon, HaDEA and Digital Europe Programmes.