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Susan Thornton

Susan Thornton

Patient | Carer Community Member, School of Medicine, University of Leeds

Susan had a long career as a Civil Servant until a traumatic event altered her life.

She turned to alcohol and drugs to numb the pain and spent many years in a toxic cycle.

In 2007, Susan met Jools E Symons from the University of Leeds and was invited to become a member of the Patient | Carer Community (PCC). She found a reason to get up in the morning, a purpose and rediscovered her self-worth. She made friends and quickly felt a sense of belonging.
Susan went on a reflective learning journey which kicked started her own healing process. She is highly motivated and has emersed herself in a wide range of teaching activities at the Medical School.

She is passionate about helping the students to see the bigger picture, patients are not a set of symptoms. She openly shares her story, bringing her teaching to life with lived experience. She is an experienced Patient Mentor, Communication Skills tutor, Stigma lecturer and continues to educate the Doctors of tomorrow.
