Registration, refreshments and networking
The Editor in Chief of The BMJ and the Managing Director for BMJ Group in India will welcome you to this inaugural BMJ Future Health South Asia event. This will include a vision for BMJs Future Health ...
When it comes to serving a large population, India’s government has the experience and understanding of what it takes. For digital healthcare, this means the development of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mis ...
As technology advances and pressure on workforce and bed space intensifies, more emphasis is being placed on the use of remote monitoring technology to fill the gap. But do these new virtual wards off ...
Morning refreshments and networking
Wide variation exists in access, quality and costs of health care across the Indian sub-continent, from world-class to an absolute lack of care. Leveraging perspectives from leaders at national health ...
Lunch and networking
As the new era of digital transformation unfolds, with technology impacting so many care interactions, it is imperative that health technologies are properly understood. Digital health research must b ...
Afternoon refreshments and networking
Many clinicians are involved with academic research and medical science, but we know that research outputs can take years to come into practice. Here, two clinicians with impressive academic careers t ...