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South Yorkshire Digital Health hub to tackle health inequalities

A baby in Rotherham is likely to have a life expectancy of five years less than a baby born in a wealthy borough of London. 

The newly formed South Yorkshire Digital Hub aims to change that, a partnership driving digital innovation and technologies to tackle health inequalities and upskill the region. Tim Chico will share lessons learnt at BMJ Future Health on 19th November.

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Hospital beds in corridor

Forecasting critical care bed availability

Managing bed availability in intensive care units is an incessant challenge for hospitals, with last minute changes creating inefficiencies, decreasing patient satisfaction and wasting valuable resources.

Is it possible to model future critical care availability using bed management data?

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Computer with AI flowing out of it

Artificial intelligence in healthcare

To what extent can we, and should we, integrate artificial intelligence in the clinical diagnostic process?

The authors here appraise the use of AI and NLP algorithms to enhance and inform decision making in breast cancer screening and patient safety.

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AI vs Human

Technological innovation and healthcare delivery

Technology isn’t all about technology, the people matter too.

Discover a psychology-based framework for healthcare decision makers which places people at the centre of successful implementation of new technologies.

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